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Understanding Sports Premium!

Everything you need to know about Sports Premium!

If you, like countless others, aren’t sure where you can spend your Sports Premium or what qualifies, then you have come to the right place.

This article will break down for you all your most asked Sports Premium questions, so you know the best ways to use your budget!

This has been designed to promote healthy and active lifestyles in pupils from an early age.

children run around the daily mile track which has been implemented to help children improve their healthy lifestyles

What is Sports Premium?

Sports Premium (aka P.E and Sports Premium) was introduced in 2013 as part of the British government’s School Sport and Activity Action Plan, designed to improve the quality of P.E, activity, and sports in Primary Schools across Britain.

This budget is flexible for you so you can choose how best to use this money to suit the specific needs of your pupils.

The children  climb along get set go blocks

How much funding will you get?

As it stands for 2023/24, schools with 16 or fewer pupils will receive £1,000 per pupil.

For schools with 17 or more pupils, you will receive £16,000 plus an additional £10 per pupil.

Please note, although funding is typically given to pupils in Years 1 through 6, full eligibility can be found on the government website. You should always check if you’re eligible before allocating the money.

a child kicks a ball towards the goal on a MUGA pitch

The main goals of Sports Premium funding

These are the goals as defined by the government in their plans when launching the sports premium funding scheme.

  • Improve the level of Physical Education, Activity and Sports that your school offers
  • Create a sustainable and long-lasting sports environment for pupils in future years

You are expected to use your funding to meet these goals. There are no set requirements of how you must achieve these goals, however, there are certain guidelines that you must adhere to. You can find these below. 

two little boys in green and white and black school uniform run across the grass topped get set go blocksWhat can you spend your Sports Premium on?

Sports Premium can be used on items/products that meet the following targets:

  • Increases engagement of all pupils in regular physical activity- this can be done through targeting activities to involve the whole class, creating a space for active play during pupils’ break time or expanding the variety of sports opportunities available.
  • Contributes to the improvement of the school as a whole by raising the profile of sports and PE- this can be done by encouraging cycle/walks/runs to school and supporting pupils in encouraging their peers to be more physically active.
  • Builds knowledge of P.E and sport in staff so they confidently teach and share their understanding- this can include professional development and the hiring of Sports Specialists to work alongside your staff.
  • Offers a variety of sports/ physical activity opportunities for all pupils- this may involve after-school sports clubs, joining sports/activity opportunities in the wider community or introducing new sports.
  • Encourages participation in competitive sport- this can include inter-school competitions or tournaments as part of the wider community.

children are crossing the balance beam and are supported by a teacher

The Sports Premium deadline

All Sports Premium funding must be spent in full by the end of the summer term. The official deadline provided by the government is the 31st of July 2024.

This leaves schools with only a few months to ensure that the funding is fully utilised.  

children walk across the balance beam and practice their balance

What could you get with the Sports Premium this year? 

Many schools are currently considering how to spend their Sports Premium most efficiently to provide the maximum benefit to their pupils.

Pentagon Play is happy to help you with this. 


children run around on the get set go blocks with artificial grass on the floor

Our Get Set, Go! Blocks are ideal for improving the physical activity profile of your Early Years area by providing a safe area for EYFS children to develop their gross motor skills! 

Designed to support pupils as they improve their co-ordination, spatial awareness and physical strength development, these Get Set, Go! Blocks are the ideal solution if you're looking to spend the rest of your funding. 

children cross the get set go blocks wearing green and white school dresses and jumpers

children run around and play on the get set go block sets and slide down the slide block in the get set go block set

These blocks can be built and delivered to you in just 2-4 weeks and you will be invoiced within that time. 

Make sure you get the most of your funding today and check out these sets on our Online Shop now! 

Is there anyone you can talk to about how to spend your Sports Premium?

Yes! Our team of Internal Learning Advisors will be happy to support you and advise you on your Sports Premium budget. Their knowledge and expertise will help you to make the best decision for your pupils and future generations.

Contact Us Today for some advice and guidance- we’ll be happy to help!

children stand at the start of the line markings on artificial grass before they begin their race