Outdoor Playground Storage Self-Select Stores

A high-quality, durable range of playground storage, designed for children to self-select, whilst keeping your learning and play resources dry and secure all-year round.

  • Built to last with a 15 year timber guarantee! This range will last for years to come, meaning no more repeat purchasing of cheap units year upon year.
  • Easy Access - The innovative self-select design allows pupils to safely and independently access and return items.
  • Customisable with chalkboard front and shelves, enabling you to label your resources accordingly.
  • Comes complete with heavy-duty storage boxes inside, which can be filled with resources or removed to fit larger items in the store.
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An early years child picking up items from the Acorn Store
15-year guarantee on timber and 5-year guarantee on plywood.
A nursery child labelling the Acorn Store chalkboard panel
Superior grade materials from comparable units on the market.
The Acorn Store with construction play items inside outside of a nursery.
Units come pre-assembled with free delivery.

The Acorn Store, crafted from high-quality materials, was created with two main focuses: self-selection, and customization. With our design, children will build independence through making their own choices and retrieving their own resources.

Ellen Jameson - Senior Product Designer

An acorn store being used as a construction play storage shed with a child collection bricks from the unit.

Acorn Self-Select

A must have for every playground, this durable self-select store is made from high-quality materials and designed to keep your provisions dry and secure all year round - year after year.

With a host of features, the unit encourages children to self-select resources and is customisable with chalkboard panels, allowing teaching staff to label accordingly.

The store also comes complete with six heavy-duty boxes which can be filled as you wish, or removed if you want to store larger items inside the unit.

A well-organised Acorn Store being used as a Reading Shed with plastic containers on each shelf containing books.

Acorn Self-Select - Two Units

Upgrade your playground storage with a pair of Acorn Self-Select Stores. Reap all the benefits of one unit, plus a 12% saving when buying two units! With a 15-year timber guarantee and 5 year-plywood guarantee, these units are designed and built to last.

The Acorn Store with construction play items inside outside of a nursery.

Acorn Self-Select - Four Units

Enhance your playground space with a bundle of four Acorn Self-Select stores, whilst saving 20%! The units come pre-assembled unlike most of the market and are delivered to your setting completely free of charge.