Daily Mile Tracks

Artificial Grass Daily Mile Track

Wet Pour Daily Mile Track

Playbond Daily Mile Track

Funturf Daily Mile Track

Playground Markings Daily Mile Track
The Daily Mile is a fantastic initiative which aims to improve the physical, emotional and wellbeing of children regardless of age and circumstances. With schools looking to embrace this new initiative, we understand that many struggle to find a dedicated space and sometimes struggle with waterlogged fields and bad groundworks.To eliminate these problems and increase participation, we can create a Daily Mile Track to suit your needs and budget.

 Daily Mile Track - Worthington Primary School - M33 2JJ.jpg)
Last year, the Universities of Stirling, Edinburgh and Highlands & Islands conducted a citizen science project, involving 5,463 pupils across 332 schools. They investigated whether taking a short break from the classroom to complete The Daily Mile had an impact on the wellbeing and cognition of pupils.
The results were hugely positive, and concluded that the 15 minutes of self-paced outdoor physical activity - as recommended by The Daily Mile campaign - was beneficial for pupils’ cognition and wellbeing. It resulted in significant increases in children’s alertness, attention, mood and memory, enhancing their ability to learn.
The Daily Mile is now reaching over one million children across the UK and its popularity continues to grow. It’s a brilliant initiative that not only aims to improve children’s overall physical fitness, but has proven to make children happier and improve their ability to learn.
The idea is that The Daily Mile is fully inclusive and non-competitive - it’s something that everyone can join in with at their own pace, regardless of age or ability - and it’s completely free to do. It isn’t about elite sport or exercise – it’s about simply going outside into the fresh air, in what you’re already wearing, to get fit in 15 minutes of self-paced walking, jogging or running.
And as primary schools all over the UK have been embracing The Daily Mile initiative, secondary schools are following hot on their heels as they join the #FitForLife campaign, encouraging all childminders, nurseries, primary schools, secondary schools, colleges, universities and workplaces to take up The Daily Mile initiative too.
As the UK’s leading provider of school playground equipment, we have been asked by many schools to help them create a purpose-built Daily Mile Track within their school grounds. This is usually because poor ground conditions, water-logged fields or lack of a clear space to safely walk or run have presented a stumbling block to daily participation in The Daily Mile during the school day.
We now have a range of different surfacing options that we can use to install your Daily Mile Track to suit your needs, including Artificial Grass, Saferturf, Wetpour, Playbond and Thermoplastic Playground Markings.
We can work with all kinds of ground conditions to improve your school's provision for the Daily Mile Initiative, and set you off on the right track in all weathers.
With seamless finishes and a range of colour options, we can create your Daily Mile Track as a safe place for children to walk or run that can blend into the surroundings or stand out proudly in your school colours.
And don’t worry - you don’t need a clear and obvious mile to run your Daily Mile Track - if space is tight we can be creative with layout too.
We hope you enjoy getting started with your Daily Mile! For more information about The Daily Mile, visit their website!