Company News
Enter our NEW #DesignForPentagon Competition Today!
Have you entered our latest competition? Pupils are invited to design their own dream Pentagon Play product- the sky is the limit here! We want to see bouncing ball pits, super slippery slides and zooming zip lines!
Designs will be judged by our excellently creative, exceptionally eager, and very enthusiastic products team who design all our fabulous child-centric products!
The winning pupil will have the chance to WIN our BRAND-NEW Mud Kitchen for their school (this mud kitchen is not currently on sale and the winning school will be the first in the country to receive this model!) or their very own School Bench, a building project for the class and personalisable with their names!
If that wasn’t exciting enough, the winner will also receive a 3D mock-up of their design to be displayed at their school!
This really is a once in a lifetime opportunity for pupils and we encourage all schools to get involved right away!
What We Want From Our Entrants!
Our entrants are asked one simple thing; design your greatest play dream and put it onto paper.
Colour until your heart is content and let us know why you think this would be a great product! We can’t wait to see the designs that our entrants come up with.
To get your inspiration flowing, we’ve included some amazing designs that we have had gifted to us on previous occasions.
As you can see, ranging from a ‘big lava station’ to a ‘cloud climber’ to ‘toy rocket that shoots you up high’.
We want to see the most creative designers you’ve got, full of colour and life and excitement.
Who knows, it might even appear in our brochure one day!
What Can We Win?
This is our biggest prize bundle yet and we are so excited about this- if you have never entered one of our competitions before, then now is the time!
As we mentioned, the main prize awarded will either be the newest model of our mud kitchen (you will be the first school in the country to own this incredible product) or a leavers bench, ideal for year six pupils to commemorate their time at your school!
Our products team have worked incredibly hard adapting and improving our products to make them the most life-like and memorable play items for our customers.
Our little ones build their knowledge of the world around them by creating schemas of knowledge through play. Re-enacting what they see around their own home helps children understand their world!
On top of this, our winner will get their design printed for display in their very own school to remind the little one’s of their amazing design success!
This is also great for reminding little one’s of what they can achieve when they set their creative minds to the test.
Why Should I Get My Pupils Involved?
This activity isn’t just beneficial because of the prizes, but also due to the skills that this project will inspire in your pupils.
Pupils will be encouraged to use their creativity and imagination to conceptualize their ideal designs and draw them in a way that others can see their concepts!
There will also be an element of logic and science knowledge, particularly physics, employed to explore the reality of these designs and the way in which they could be crafted and created.
This is also an excellent activity for developing and building communication skills as pupils can share their designs with classmates, parents and friends as well as labelling their design for the clarity for our judges.
Explaining designs and expressing wishes, desires and thought processes helps little learners establish the best way to communicate through practice and experience.
This is such an engaging activity for pupils that will instill them with valuable qualities that they can carry with them during the rest of their educational experience.
Who Decides The Winner?
Our very own products team will make up our judging panel, reviewing designs and announcing the winner on Monday the 7th of March - what a way to start the week!
They will inspect and discuss each design carefully, giving every pupil the same chance to win!
Our team are looking for vibrancy, excitement and energy conveyed through these designs and cannot wait to see what our entrants create.
The judges are really looking for unique stand-out designs that really inspire them and give them a glimpse into what pupils really look for in play equipment. All our product designs are crafted with children’s wishes and needs in mind, so we love getting a chance to get their viewpoint.
How To Enter!
To enter, simply share your designs on your school’s social media profile (Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook) and use the #DesignForPentagon to be included.
Send your pupils designs to our Marketing Team via email to [email protected]
The closing dates for entries are Friday 4th of March and the winner will be announced on Monday 7th of March in the Facebook Pentagon Play Community Group ONLY. Schools must request to join the group to find out the winner of the competition.
We can’t wait to see what you come up with!
Give your pupils some inspiration today by viewing our Products here or look at some Projects that we’ve already installed!