Trim Trails

Creggan Forest Trim Trail

Gisburn Forest Trim Trail

Glenmore Forest Trim Trail

Llandegla Forest Trim Trail

Swinley Forest Trim Trail

Abernethy Forest Trim Trail

Chimney Climb Traverse

Clatter Bridge with Rope Handrails

Climb and Crawl Through Tunnel
Our Forest Trim Trails provide your children with a variety of physical challenges to develop balance, climbing confidence, upper and lower body strength, core stability, coordination, and gross motor skills. Delivering all the action, thrills and spills of a treetop adventure, but in a safe and easy-access format for schools to use daily, the Forest Trail range features 45 individual challenge pieces for schools to choose from!

Exciting Trim Trail combinations that bring school playgrounds to life!
Our Trim Trails for schools are some of the best, most versatile and most exciting outdoor activity challenges out there for whole-body physical development, problem-solving and imaginative play all rolled into one!
Trim Trails were originally created as a training resource for the military - with assault courses involving running, jumping, climbing, crawling and balancing over a series of obstacles designed to improve fitness, build strength and coordination, and develop a host of important life skills such as teamwork, motivation, resilience and self-confidence.
Why Should I Get A Pentagon Play Trim Trail?
Trim Trails are so effective at exercising all parts of the body - the NHS now recommends using them regularly for improving balance, strength and coordination. Having Trim Trail structures present on your playground allows your children to reap the benefits provided by them!
Crucially, Pentagon Play Trim Trail structures contain some of the most unique designs present in the industry, with over 45 individual challenge pieces for schools to choose from!
Develop And Improve Vital Skills
For your little soldiers, our Trim Trails are ideal for developing their gross motor skills as they move from one element to another, and for strengthening their fine motor skills through grab and grip actions too.
Not just for getting children active at playtimes - our Trim Trails are exemplary open-ended educational resources for outdoor learning. They support individual and group activities that require logical thinking, problem-solving, imagination, co-operation and teamwork to complete the course - and children are learning how to assess and take risks all within a safe play environment.
Provide Engaging and Exciting Playground Equipment
Choose from a series of fun and challenging adventure stations to build your school’s very own adventure trail - balance beams, stepping logs, rope traverses, parallel bars, climbing nets, climbing walls, climbing poles, log weavers and more - or take your pick from our selection of ready-made Trim Trails, carefully designed by our experts to support a balanced range of movement.
Having exciting play equipment will naturally encourage your pupils to engage with the equipment and reap the benefits of active play. Having 25 years of experience within the play equipment industry, we know how to keep children excited and engaged with your playground, and the Trim Trail is a fantastic option to achieve this goal.
Work With The Industry Experts
We will design and install your Trim Trail in line with your schools’ specific requirements - whether you are looking for something suitable for EYFS explorers, or you want to create a more challenging environment for your KS2s, or if you would like a Trim Trail to support and engage children who have particular Special Education needs - we can build your Trim Trail to suit their ages and abilities throughout the Key Stages.
With our team of experts craftsman and consultants, we will work tirelessly to make high-quality play equipment that suits your needs. Working in over 15,000 different locations, we have the experience and skills to deliver you your dream trim trail.
Introduce Your Pupils To Trim Trails Today!
Add more life to your outdoor play area by incorporating one of our fantastic trim trail products in it. See how quickly your pupils engage with the playground equipment and start pushing themselves to complete the course.
Have a look at some of our Trim Trail installations and see why our products are unmatched. If you have a specific idea in mind, you can contact us and a member from our team will be in contact soon!