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Hythe Primary School's Multi Use Games Area

The Ultimate Multi Use Games Area


One Playground Consultant, Donella, worked in partnership with Hythe Primary School in Surrey to create a magnificent all-weather Multi Use Games Area.

Before our development, the school was struggling to find an appropriate space for P.E. and sporting activities. The field was mainly unaccessible due to wet weather conditions and the concrete playground regularly caused injuries and minor knee scrapes.

They needed an improved and more accessible outdoor space that would inspire physical activity and encourage children to participate in sports and lead a healthier lifestyle.

Understanding the school's needs, we utilised their large concrete space and transformed it into an enclosed Multi Use Games Area that can be accessed in all weathers.

This has given the school a true sporting legacy...

Hythe Primary School SurreyMulti Use Games Areas

The area includes our Velour Sport surfacing that includes a shockpad underlayer that protects children from falls and eliminates any fears of injuries and scraped knees. It is also the perfect playing surface for sots such as football and netball.

We used 2m high fencing to create the enclosure which uses is built from rigid mesh fencing systems with strong rebound panels.

It all includes excellent white Goal Ends and stand-alone Netball Posts which can be fixed into the ground and removed when needed. The school mainly requested this due to them competing in netball tournaments.

Pentagon Play Multi Use Games Area

The children will feel extremely lucky, proud and excited to have and use this exciting new play resource and as a result, their work rate will increase and their overall physical activity and enjoyment of P.E and specific sports activities. 

Confidence within the children will be boosted, as the Fencing will make the MUGA feel enclosed, helping certain children express themselves freely.

MUGA Goal Ends

The Hythe's Sports Coach, Callum Roots, spoke about their new Multi Use Games Area:

“It’s just awesome, the children enjoy it as they can now come outside whenever they want. We have now set up both lunch time and after school activities and it has had a massive benefit on sport as an overall. It offers us so much more and allows us to offer more throughout the year. I think it’s an area all schools need to work on, so to have this facility in our primary school is just fantastic."

“We have also had a parent’s vs staff football match, where all the parents came to watch, and they are all really happy with how the build has gone and what we can now offer their children sports wise”.

Donella and members of the team returned to Hythe Primary School to lead a Pentagon Play Football Session with the children. We wanted to show the staff and children some new drills and activities that encourage teamwork and help improve ball skills and technical ability. 

MUGAs for schools

You can see more examples of our  Multi Use Games Areas here...

If you are interested in creating your own Multi Use Games Area and would like to arrange a free consultation and site visit, Contact Us through our Online Contact Form and we will be in touch. These are one of the most effective ways to use your school's Sports Premium.