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John Perryn Primary School’s EYFS Play Space

Overhauling the EYFS Playground to Create a Stimulating Play Space


A blank canvas with plenty of loose play parts has been overhauled at the very lucky John Perryn Primary School in Ealing! From grey paving bricks to bright and colourful surfacing, the new outdoor play and learning space has truly been brought to life.

Our playground consultant, Becky, was delighted to liaise with the passionate headteacher, Leah Wright, to transform her outdoor play dreams into a reality.

Here’s what we did…

Aerial view of EYFS playground including artificial grass, bright blue safeturf in a roadway shape, a climbing frame, get set, go! blocks and a large sand box. All equipment has been installed in front of the school building.

Undercover Outdoor Learning Space


With an existing timber canopy already in place, we extended the undercover learning space through the installation of a Timber Canopy with plenty of features to create a practical, sheltered and shaded area.

Internal benches, half-clad and half-glazed sides, built in chalkboard and a fully watertight roof ensures the unpredictable elements will never prevent play!

A timber canopy has been installed onto the side of the school building with artificial grass installed inside for a place to children to learn and play inside. There is a whiteboard and chalkboard inside the canopy.

Artificial Grass Playground Surfacing covers the inside of the classroom space to provide plenty of comfortable seating for the children to sit down, lie down or roll around on.

The teachers at the school have created a wonderful intervention and learning space through the inclusion of loose play equipment and resources to inspire imaginative play.

Artificial grass has been installed underneath the timber canopy with benches around the side of the canopy. There is also a whiteboard, chalkboard and tables underneath the canopy.

Race Around the Roadway or Climb Like a Monkey


Adjacent to the new timber canopy, we installed our huge Harter Fell Climbing Frame to provide the little monkeys with a space where they can swing, climb and balance to their hearts content!

Pulling themselves up on the ropes, balancing across the beams and taking a leap of faith off the highest point is brilliant for improving their climbing confidence and key physical skills.

Harter Fell climbing frame has been installed onto artificial grass in front of the school building which has a roadway made out of bright blue safe turf circling the climbing frame with 3 trikes placed onto it.

Through the clever use of playground surfacing, the little ones are always safe whilst they are assessing and taking their own risk in the playground.

In order to zone the new active play space, we used our bright blue Saferturf surfacing to create a dedicated roadway for bikes, trikes and scooters.

Harter fell climbing frame has been installed onto artificial grass in the middle of the playground in front of the school building, with a roadway made out of blue safeturf circling the climbing frame. There are 3 trikes and 1 scooter placed on the roadway.

Children can clearly see where the active play zone begins and ends and have even been learning how to look left and right before crossing the ‘road’ onto the active island – life skills they can then transfer to the outside world.

Harter fell climbing frame installed onto artificial grass in front of bow top timber fencing around the edge of the playground. There is yellow padding around one of the metal posts which is attached to the school building.

A Moveable Obstacle Course and Dedicated Digging Area


Using our natural-looking bow top timber fencing and gate, we split the outdoor space into two halves. Teachers can decide when the children can and cannot access the other area to help with supervision.

On the other half of the playground, we again surfaced the space with our clean artificial grass to ensure the space can be used throughout the four seasons but extended the early years outdoor provision, too.

Aerial view of EYFS playground which has artificial grass, a large sandbox and get set, go! blocks placed on the artificial grass. The playground is next to the yellow school building which has a rooftop area.

A set of our most-popular EYFS play product, the Get Set, Go! Blocks (The Mendips Set), helps improve early physical skills and climbing confidence as the little ones jump, step and balance from each of the various blocks.

They can even be moved around the environment to create a varied challenging obstacle course each day!

EYFS playground which includes get set, go! blocks, a large sand box, a climbing frame and a roadway which has all been installed onto artificial grass in front of the school building.

Outside of the classroom doors, we also included a Large Covered Sand Box. Little pirates can step straight onto the beach and hunt for the buried treasure as they manipulate the sand and improve their fine motor skills in the process.

The new area is now a practical, all-weather and stimulating space for little learners to play, learn, socialise and have fun with their friends every day!

Could your EYFS play environment do with an overhaul? Contact Us Here today to begin your journey with Pentagon Play.

Alternatively, you can view all of the excellent playground projects we’ve completed in the Ealing area on our dedicated Ealing Playground Projects Page Here.

The large sand box which has been placed in front of the yellow school building by the large windows. The sand box has been installed onto artificial grass.