Children's Health
The benefits outdoor play brings to The Progress Check at Age 2
Download our PDF to see the benefits outdoor play brings to children in each of the three prime areas of learning observed during The Progress Check at Age 2:
When a young child reaches the age of 2, nursery practitioners are required to provide parents or carers with a short Age 2 Progress Report of their child’s development in the three prime areas of learning and development, as set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage Statutory Framework.
The three prime areas are Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language, and Physical Development.
Practitioners are expected to focus on these areas, which provide a platform upon which children can go on to build and learn successfully in the four other specific areas outlined in the Framework, namely Mathematical Development, Literacy, Expressive Arts and Design, and Understanding of the World.
It is considered that the three prime areas reflect the key skills and capacities all children need to develop and learn effectively, and to become ready for school.

As children grow in confidence and ability in the three prime learning areas, the aim is that the balance of focus will even out to concentrate equally upon all areas of learning.
The outdoors environment is the perfect setting to encourage children to play, pretend, exercise and express themselves, to help them to flourish in all areas of learning and development and in particular the three prime areas.
Our excellent PDF explains what the Statutory Framework requires of EYFS settings when it comes to the Progress Check at Age 2 and how outdoor play brings specific benefits to children in each of the three prime areas of learning observed during the Progress Check:
Are you looking to develop your Nursery or Pre-School outdoor learning environment? Complete our Contact Form and we will be in touch to arrange a free consultation, quote and design presentation.