Zip Wire 1-Way (30M)
Product code: P-AP-KIN-Z301
The one way 30m zip wire is the largest size available, providing a lengthy distance for children to travel. Children love the sensation of travelling freely and weightless, with the feeling a adrenaline also. Whether children run and jump off the platform or simply glide away, all angles of physical development are met. Core stability and fine motor grip are key aspects of development during locomotion. Equipment such as the zip wires encourage children to take on more challenging goals and the thrill of the adrenaline can develop relationships when children work together to push, pull and generally help each other out.
- Technical Details
- Documents
- Guarantees
Technical Details
- Size (L x W x H): 30000mm x 2100mm x 3800mm
- Critical fall height: 1.1M
- Overall size including fall space: 34000mm x 4000mm
- Minimum safety surfacing required*: 133M²
- High-pressure treated ‘play grade’ timber
- Galvanised and powder coated steel
- Stainless steel cable and zip wire trolley
- Landing platform (x 1)
*May not be required if there is an existing impact absorbing surface (such as grass).
Associated Documents
