Zip Wire 2-Way (20M)
Product code: P-AP-KIN-Z202
The 20m two way zip wire allows for access of the zip wire in both directions. Children can use this fun and exciting piece of equipment to work together and meet personal goals and challenges. Besides being a thrilling ride, children build confidence on these freely moving obstacles, developing grip and core body strength in particular. Children become intrigued in using this type of equipment stimulating new relationships through competitiveness, cooperation and working together with others.
- Technical Details
- Documents
- Guarantees
Technical Details
- Size (L x W x H): 20000mm x 2100mm x 3800mm
- Critical fall height: 1.1M
- Overall size including fall space: 24000mm x 4000mm
- Minimum safety surfacing required*: 93M²
- High-pressure treated ‘play grade’ timber
- Galvanised and powder coated steel
- Stainless steel cable and zip wire trolley
- Landing platform (x 2)
*May not be required if there is an existing impact absorbing surface (such as grass).
Associated Documents
