In-Out Shapes
Product code: P-AP-PLA-IOS
Our In-Out Shapes are an inclusive resource that have been designed with the intention to provide children with Special Educational Needs, specifically those that affect communication and language skills, with regulatory, heavy work activities and a breakout space in their outdoor environment.
As many children find free-flow, open-ended, physical play activities therapeutic, our free-standing shapes enable children to relieve tension. While children move through the shapes, hanging, swinging, climbing and simply exploring the space, worries and stress are worked away.
Presenting children with an area where they can participate in self-regulatory play enhances their understanding of how and when to calm themselves. Recognising when they may be feeling frustrated or need to refocus themselves, children can use the shapes to feel focused, centred and ready for learning.
In addition, the shapes can inspire imaginative play as each shape can become a covert den to plan a top-secret mission in or the ideal break away space for those who want to feel safe and take time away from the hustle and bustle of the playground. Loose play resources such as blankets, ribbons and cargo nets are perfect for inspiring children’s inner construction ideas.
Overall, our In-Out Shapes are a calming and alerting sensory play resource that encourages exploration, mindfulness and self-regulation while supporting mathematics, physical literacy, imaginative play and physical development in the outdoor environment.
- Technical Details
- Documents
- Guarantees
Technical Details
- Square Shape Size (L x W x H): 950mm x 929mm x 929mm
- Rectangle Shape Size (L x W x H): 1400mm x 929mm x 929mm
- Triangle Shape Size (L x W x H): 1400mm x 1226mm x 1078mm
- Critical fall height: 1.1M
- Overall size including fall space (Set of Three): 9022mmx 4320mm
- Minimum safety surfacing req: (Set of three) Tri 15.5M² / Rect 16.5M² / Sq 13.5M² (Individual Calcs)
- High pressure treated ‘play grade’ timber
Associated Documents
Please contact us for further information.