Lookout Cabin
Product code: P-IC-DMP-LC/WR
Provide your nursery or preschool children with a wonderful den making and playhouse resource that will enhance imaginative play, while providing them with a comfortable break away space in the playground.
Our Lookout Cabin has a number of features to make it ideal for the young children in nursery and preschool, improving their communication, language, social and fine motor skills. Along with their school readiness.
The clear polycarbonate side provides practitioners with visual advantages as they can see exactly who is inside the cabin and what is going on without the need to climb up the steps.
Cosy artificial grass surfacing on the decking prevents the space from becoming slippery and provides the children with a comfortable place to sit, relax, play and talk.
Bubble windows, hatch and chalkboard wall enhances children’s play as they transport the cabin into different worlds with drawings from their imaginations.
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Technical Details
- Size (L x W x H) 3450mm x 2392mm x 2228mm
- Large Chalkboard with Hatch
- Playturf Artificial Grass
- Bubble Windows (x2)
- PETG Glazed Window
- Durable EPDM Roof
- Large Perch Bench
- Balcony with Picket Fencing


Artificial Grass

EPDM Rubber