Bespoke Playbond Design
Product code: P-SL-PLA-01-PBDUY
A soft and spongy, continuous bonded rubber mulch surface laid to a unique, personal design. Featuring several colours with a seamless finish, your design will create an immediate visual impact while providing a safe and cost-effective impact absorbing surface. Can be installed directly over grass or tarmac without any expensive and disruptive basework preparation.
- Technical Details
- Documents
- Guarantees
Technical Details
- 40mm Green
- Design drawing provided
- Recycled EPDM rubber
- Porous and free-draining
- Impact absorbing
- Provides protection from falls
- Critical fall height (CFH) protection increases with depth and is specified accordingly
- Can be installed directly over grass or tarmac - no need for basework preparation
Associated Documents
Please contact us for further information.