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Barnard Grove Primary's School Canopies

School Canopies create a seamless play transition to the outside

School Canopies are the perfect way to connect the classroom to the outdoor learning environment by. They create a free flowing play environment and connect methods of learning from inside the classroom to natural elements outside of the classroom.

A canopy can be used as an extension to a school building, acting as a space for children to learn, play creatively and discover whilst being outside in a sheltered environment.

Our Sales Director, Paul Baylissworked with Barnard Grove Primary School to create a better learning transition from the classroom to their outdoors. We decided to install a 12x3.5m canopy to the Nursery classroom and a 9.5x3.5m canopy to the Reception Classroom.

You can now view our range of School Canopies!

School Canopies

The children of Barnard Grove Primary can now enjoy cross curricular activities outside of the classroom in a sheltered and waterproof space. There is plenty of space for table and chairs, messy play equipment, mark making boards, toys and storage units.

Activities whether instructed by teachers or created by the children themselves, can now move seamlessly between the inside and outside. The children will now treat the outdoors the same as the indoors creating one giant classroom full of independant learning and play.

If you are interested in our Outdoor Classrooms or would like to contact us about developing your own outdoor learning environment, feel free to contact us by submitting an Online Form or call us on 01625 890 330 (Northern Office) or 0117 379 0899 (Southern Office)

Timber Canopy for Schools