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Blaenycwm County School’s Adventure Playground

Climb, Traverse and Swing Through An Exciting Adventure Play Area

Working alongside Blaenycwm County Primary School in Blaenau Gwent, we havve transformed an unloved grass area into a space that inspires active and imaginative play.

Our expert outdoor learning consultant, Chloe Pope, designed and installed a fabulous playground space that would truly enhance active play opportunities during playtimes.

An exciting adventure play zone featuring our Grizedale Forest Circuit

Beginning with the groundworks, installing all-weather playground surfacing was crucial.

Previously, the area was natural grass, which would become very muddy during the wet weather, with a few pieces of rotten playground equipment. This meant that the children didn’t choose to play in the area because it was unexciting and unstimulating.

To solve the issues with the ground, we replaced the natural grass with our free-draining Artificial Grass Playground Surfacing. It creates a vibrant, enticing environment where children can sit and socialise comfortably and play throughout all seasons.

Children climbing on playground climbing frames

We then replaced the rotten piece of equipment with two huge climbing frames: our Grizedale Forest Circuit and our Harter Fell Climber with Platform and Climbing Net.

With two impressive and exciting climbing frames in a single space, a truly energising active play space has been created for both KS1 and KS2.

The Grizedale Forest Circuit features plenty of challenges for the children to conquer as they step and balance, reach and stretch, grip and grasp, pull and push, hang and swing, climb and jump from obstacle to obstacle. The whole frame is open ended and flexible as it has so many entry and exit points for the children to choose from.

Children climbing on a school playground climbing frame

Opposite the one-of-a-kind forest circuit, our Harter Fell Climber with Platform and Climbing Net stands tall.

This low-level climbing frame provides a magnificent focal point for creative play and games as the children let their imaginations run wild.

Scrambling up the net onto the platform as quick as possible away from the lava filling the floor is just one of the exciting games the children love to play.

The whole area provides children with plenty of opportunities for physical play and development as they use their whole body to move through the ropes and logs, developing their upper and lower body strength, core stability, balance, proprioception, co-ordination, fine and gross motor skills.

KS1 children climbing on a log climbing frame

The artificial grass surface is also a soft, impact absorbing flooring when installed over the top of our shock pad. This was perfect for underneath the climbing frames as it meant that the children could swing, climb and take safe risks as they build their climbing confidence, without the risk of a serious injury.

The children look forward to their time in the once unloved area that would be avoided. They can’t wait to get active every day and participate in exciting imaginative play games during their playtimes and lunch times.

Would you like to extend your children's physical play opportunities? View our huge range of Active Play Products and begin creating your own wish list. If you are looking for further inspiration, you can view more Active Play Projects.

To begin your journey with Pentagon Play, complete our Online Form and one of our consultants will be in touch to arrange a free consultation.

If you would like to view more examples of our playground projects in Blaenau Gwent, visit our Blaenau Gwent page.

A log climbing frame installed onto artificial grass playground surfacing