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An EYFS Play Area Transformation For Great Kingshill School!

The Customer

Nestled in the beautiful town of High Wycombe, Great Kingshill Church of England Combined School provides hundreds of children between age 3-11 with a high quality education and a fantastic learning environment.

With over 410 students currently enrolled in the Buckinghamshire-based school, the school has earned the reputation of being a brilliant school for children to attend by parents and carers. Ran by the talented Mrs Suzanna Best and her incredible team of staff, the school remains a brilliant example of the positive impact a school can have on a community.

A school building that is located next to a road and has a building attached to the side of it.

In 2018, the school became a converter school under the Kings Education Trust, a Multi Academy Trust. Since then, the school has constantly strived to improve itself and provide it's children with the best education possible. Not only that, but the school's famous vision of "aspiring to be out best with kindness, respect and faith" has not altered one bit, with pupils and staff continuing to be as welcoming as ever.

Being a converter school, Great Kingshill CofE Combined School had the opportunity to work closely with other schools within the MAT and learn new and exciting ways to keep pupils happy and excited to learn. From this, the school quickly realised that their outdoor space desperately needed renovating, kickstarting the school's journey of creating a new and exciting playground.

Meeting The Customer

Pentagon Play have had the pleasure of knowing Great Kingshill School since 2015! The school first approached us when they were looking for a company to replace 3 pieces of play equipment. During an online search, the school decided that our company was the best company for the job based off our experience and brilliant reviews.

Since this first job, the relationship has stayed strong as the school have maintained contact with us for a variety of different jobs. However, the latest project they spoke to us about was the biggest and most important.

A playground which has artificial grass surfacing in blue, yellow and green colours. A variety of play equipment can be seen with children playing on it.

During a phone call with Chloe, Kingshill's early years lead, she explained how the reception space has been neglected for a long time. She also explained how she brought this issue to the attention of the MAT and it was quickly agreed that the play area should be replaced with a new and exciting play space.

Chloe also mentioned how Pentagon Play were highly thought of within the MAT and the school would love for our company to help with this huge project. Delighted to hear this, we immediately accepted the offer and booked a meeting with the school to be introduced to one of our expert Outdoor Learning Consultants, Mark Slatter, to discuss ideas and desires for this new playground.

Their Objectives

Early through the meeting, it was decided that the play area would need to be resurfaced as the current Playbond surfacing was cracked and damaged, with flooding occurring on certain points of the playground. Chloe liked the idea of replacing it with a new type of surfacing which provided a softer feel for the children, but was also incredibly durable and accessible in all weather conditions.

A group of children are playing on Get Set, Go! Blocks and are making their way to the play tower.

Next, Chloe explained how the playground needed more play equipment to not only keep children engaged, but to provide them with opportunities to develop a wide variety of different skills and talents. Mark suggested the idea of creating zones around the play area, with each zone focusing on a certain style of play and development. Loving the idea, Chloe agreed and the meeting proceeded.

Explaining how the school wanted to provide more unique learning opportunities, Chloe wanted a new structure on the playground that would provide an opportunity for outdoor learning. After running through a plethora of different options, Chloe liked the idea of a Freestanding Canopy being constructed.

Near the end of the meeting, Chloe expressed her frustration of not having enough storage options to keep resources safe and sound. Considering the amount of learning and play resource the early years playground had, Mark suggested a couple of our best-selling storage units, which Chloe loved the idea of.

Our Approach

Being the UK's #1 playground experts, Pentagon Play have transformed over 15,000 unique areas into exciting and engaging play areas. Whether it's our glowing testimonials or our fantastic 5-star reviews, it's no surprise why MATs across the nation are trusting Pentagon Play with their projects.

A group of kids are stood on wooden blocks which have artificial grass surfacing on the top of them. One child is jumping from a block towards a climbing ramp.

One of the key reasons that led us to being the UK's favourite playground experts surrounds our industry-defining customer journey. We want to make your school feel a part of the Pentagon Play family, which is why we offer support throughout the entire process. From planning your playground with our friendly and knowledgeable Outdoor Learning Consultants to our approachable after-care team, you'll always have Pentagon Play by your side.


Woven with Polypropylene yarn and having a backing made of SBR latex, our Funturf (previously known as Saferturf) is the perfect high-quality surfacing option for a school looking to create a bright and colourful, sensory-stimulating play area for their pupils!

Having a carpet-like texture, early years children love playing on Funturf and using their sense of touch to explore this unique play surfacing. Great Kingshill School loved the aspect of a surfacing option providing an opportunity for sensory play, enhancing the playground environment by letting children play with almost every aspect of the area.

A group of children are playing on the artificial grass surfacing. A child is on a tricycle and is cycling along a blue road. Another child can be seen with a wheelbarrow in the background, wheeling it towards the camera.

However, Funturf is more commonly known for it's ability to create awe-inspiring and imaginative playground designs. Offered in a wide variety of different colours, Great Kingshill Church of England Combined School loved how they could incorporate their school colours into the playground to subconsciously remind children of the school and build a stronger relationship between the school and pupils.

Not only is this surfacing option offered in a variety of different colours, but schools who have this amazing surfacing present on their playground can add bespoke and/or pre-existing Funturf Graphics. Graphics provide a great way to incorporate learning into playtime as most graphics will help children learn a variety of topics through direct play with them.

A landscape photo showcasing the artificial grass surfacing for a playground. The grass is in three different colours, green, blue and yellow.

We knew how important the safety of the children was for Great Kingshill School, which is why they were very impressed with how safe Funturf is! Installed with a state-of-the-art shock pad absorber and a weed-suppressant membrane, the surfacing would provide a safe area for children to explore and play actively whilst massively reducing the risk of serious injuries occurring.

Finally, Great Kingshill Church of England Combined School were over the moon to learn how Funturf was perfect for all weather conditions. If the sun decides to pay a visit to the school, the surfacing is UV stable. If the rain tries to ruin playtime, Funturf is free-draining, meaning that children can still enjoy the playground without the worry of slips or trips. Funturf is an amazing all-weather surface and requires little maintenance to maintain it's fantastic appearnace.


Created to provide a specific area where children can engage in a specific type of play, Zones have become an increasingly popular sight on play areas throughout the UK. Great Kingshill wanted to join in on the trend as they believed that zones were a key factor for making a playground which assisted in child development.

A variety of play equipment can be seen placed on the artificial grass surfacing.

Finding it difficult to select one specific zone, the school decided to incorporate 5 separate zones that would all focus on different types of play. Loving the idea, Pentagon Play assisted in helping the school pick the best play equipment for meeting the objectives of each specific zone.

Imaginative & Physical Development Zone

The first zone we focused on was the imaginative and physical development zone. Instantly, the first piece of equipment we suggested was the Restormel Modular Play Tower. An introductory resource for early climbing skills and physical literacy, this play tower is sure to make a huge impact on any early years play area.

Constructed from high pressure treated 'play grade' timber, HDPE plastic sides and polyurethane climbing holds, this modular play tower is built to be incredibly durable and long lasting. The school were really impressed by the quality offered by this product, knowing that they could get plenty of usage out of the Play Tower.

Children are playing on a modular Play Tower that has been installed on artificial grass.

Designed to promote imaginations, children will find it incredibly easy to escape the real world and enter new and exciting environments within their minds. As children explore the Restormel Modular Tower, they will encounter four unique challenges, each of which will assist in the physical development of a child.

The school liked the play tower, but felt like the zone needed more to offer. After a few conversations, Great Kingshill decided on introducing one of our best selling products to their new early years play area. Built to being open-ended active play value to any environment it's placed in, Get Set, Go! Blocks - The Cheviot Set was brought into the zone.

A group of children are playing on a variety of wooden blocks with artificial grass placed on top of them. A modular Play Tower can be seen in the background.

Being the biggest Get Set, Go! Blocks set we offer, the Cheviot Set offers an outstanding 15 blocks, allowing children to construct large and unique obstacle courses with ease. Including ramp blocks, step blocks, slanted blocks, rounded blocks and more, the school loved how the blocks would provide a near endless amount of combinations, always providing a strong play value to the children.

Each block is built from our recent material upgrade to Stokbord and has a fantastic top surface of Playturf, making these blocks incredibly durable and aesthetically pleasing on any playground. Kingshill really liked how the blocks could withstand heavy usage and provided a safe platform for active play.

A huge group of children are all playing with the Get Set, Go! Blocks and have made an obstacle course. One child is climbing the play tower by the climbing wall.

Combining both of these impressive pieces of play equipment allowed Great Kingshill Church of England Combined School to create the perfect small zone to promote both imaginative and physical development.

Communication & Language Zone

The second zone would focus on improving a child's communication and language skills by introducing them to play equipment that naturally promoted and improved these skills. After discussions with the school, the first piece of equipment was decided on.

Mountable to almost any surface and covering a total area of 1.07m², the Giant Chalkboard is a great addition to any playground looking to encourage their children to explore written communication and practise artistic expressions.

3 Children are stood around a chalkboard and are writing a variety of words and shapes on the board.

Constructed to withstand heavy usage and withstand poor weather conditions, Great Kingshill felt like this piece of equipment was the perfect resource to include in this zone! Not only could children use it in a variety of ways, but the equipment would be securely mounted to a surface to provide an extra level of safety.

Being placed next to the Giant Chalkboard, the school decided to add one of our most desirable piece of outdoor equipment. Constructed to hook the attention of any child who lays their eyes on it, the Freestanding Storytelling Chair is a fantastic resource for any educational zones.

A group of children are all dancing and playing in an outdoor area with artificial grass surfacing. The grass is Red and Grey with yellow stars. A chalkboard can be seen built on the wall of a building.

Durable and easily movable, teachers who are utilising this piece of equipment will have the power to hold story time anywhere they desire. Every school who has the Freestanding Storytelling Chair, including Great Kingshill, love the versatility this resource provides and how it can take story time to the next level!

When both the Giant Chalkboard and Freestanding Storytelling Chair are placed together, the zone created provides a fantastic area for teachers to read stories to their children outdoors and have the class write their thoughts on the chalkboard. With one of the core values of Great Kingshill being that the school wants "every child to go home with a smile on their face" after learning, this zone is sure to assist that objective!

Nature, Planting & Investigation Zone

Being the biggest zone, Great Kingshill Church of England Combined School wanted to help children learn more about the world that surrounds them and why nature is such a beautiful part of life. To achieve this desire, the school wanted equipment which would have a natural appearance and incorporate a variety of different aspects of nature.

Play equipment that has been installed in the centre of an artificial grass playground. The grass is green with a blue pathway design going around the main bulk of play equipment.

Crafted from the highest-quality timber available on the market, the Bug Hotel provides a fantastic opportunity for children to learn more about the little critters we share our planet with. Containing 16 removable Polycarbonate Bug Pods, plenty of children can engage with the equipment and learn more about the insect kingdom.

Arriving with a built in bird feeding table and planting area, the school were impressed with how versatile the resource was and how it incorporate a variety of aspects from nature in it. Children can analyse a variety of natural factors by collecting a clip chart from a handy shelf and display their work on one of four hooks.

A high angle shot that shows the immersive planter. Two children can be seen getting ready to climb through the tunnels that lead to the centre of the planter. A child is already at the centre and is playing with a toy car.

To enhance the environment of the Bug Hotel, the school decided that including 2 additional planters would help create a perfect area to teach children about nature. The first planter the school bought was Pentagon Play's Corner Planter Bench.

Suiting any corner space perfectly, this durable and long lasting planter provides a space for children to sit down whilst surrounding themselves with nature. Unique and innovative, the school loved how different this planter was compared to the competition and knew that it added a USP for their early years play area.

The immersive planter can be seen in the foreground, with the modular Play Tower and other pieces of play equipment being seen in the background. All of these pieces of play equipment have been installed on the playground.

In addition to the Corner Planter Bench, the school decided to include one of our most exciting products. Built to fully immerse children in the world of nature, our Immersive Planter added a sense of awe to an already amazing area.

With an octagon design, the Immersive Planter has two built-in tunnels on opposite sides, leading children to explore the centre of the planter. Greater Kingshill School thought that this product was amazing as it provided an engaging way for children to engage with nature more.

Performance & Role Play Zone

Wanting to keep this zone smaller, the school decided that one piece of play equipment would be enough to help children with their performances and role play sessions. After considering multiple options, they finally came across one product which blew their minds.

A child is looking through a small window built into the side of the Hill Den. The child is smiling whilst looking towards the camera.

Durable and long-lasting, the Hill Den is a piece of imaginative play equipment that is sure to gain the attention of any child that even catches a glimpse of it. Covered in our high quality Playturf surfacing, the Hill Den has a beautiful aesthetic, helping it find a home in any playground.

Built into the sides, a number of holes are made and turned into Polycarbonate Portholes! The school admired the design of this impressive piece of play equipment and were sure that the Hill Den would encourage children to escape into their imaginations.

A clear view of the Hill Den, with a child being seen on the inside. The child is looking at the camera and is smiling.

Any school with this piece of role play equipment present on their playground is sure to have their pupils performing a wide variety of plays and exploring multiple role play scenarios. The Hill Den really is a one-of-a-kind product and will help transform any area it's placed in to an exciting and engaging space.

Water Zone

Finally, the school wanted a zone which would help children explore the benefits of water play and understand more about how this important liquid works and moves. Understanding the aim of this zone, we instantly recommended one of our most popular sets of water play equipment.

Containing 4 pieces of unique and exciting pieces of water play equipment, the Water Wall with Damming Package is sure to help any school establish a water play zone in their play area. Each piece of play equipment helps children explore elements surrounding water play.

A little girl is pouring water into a water toy, which is a part of the Water Play package. The water wall and water damming table can be seen connecting to the sand pit that the little girl is interacting with. A set of Artificial Grass steps can be seen next to the equipment.

Standing at 1.69m in height and 2.65m in width, the Water Wall is a ginormous piece of play equipment which encourages children to learn about the physics associated with water fall and how you can alter the flow of water by changing certain pieces out.

Once the children have directed the flow of water down the wall, the water can then enter the second piece of play equipment, the Damming Station. Built to help children understand how water flows in a geographical way, children can see how blocking certain paths of water can lead to the flow becoming stronger.

A group of children are playing with the water wall by pouring water down a pipe. The pipe end then points at a water dam table, which causes the water to poor down the table and into the sand box.

Usually, wherever water is found, sand can be found close by. Knowing this, the Sand Table is also included in the package. Watch as children see how sand reacts with the flowing water in the Damming Station and learn the concepts of erosion in a fun and engaging way.

Finally, we wanted every size of child to be able to see the effects of water on all three pieces of equipment, which is why some Grass-Topped Steps are including in the pack. Providing a stable surface for children to climb on and watch, the Grass-Topped Steps are the perfect resource for including everyone in the fun.

A close up of a little girl pouring water into a water play toy, which is linked to the water play package.

Great Kingshill loved how all of these pieces of play equipment came together to create a fantastic zone for children to explore the topic of water. They felt like everything they needed was handily contained within one package, making it easier to purchase and acquire.

Outdoor Classroom

Desperate for an outdoor classroom space, it was decided that a Pentagon Play Bespoke Freestanding Canopy would provide the perfect shelter for an outdoor learning space. The school loved how seamless the freestanding canopy connected to the school and provided an easy access for multiple classes to enter it.

The underneath of a school canopy, with a variety of play equipment stored underneath it.

fConstructed from structurally-graded, tanalised timber (which is also planed and chamfered), the canopy is built to be extremely safe and durable. Built to be long lasting, the school were impressed by the fact that the canopy would last for generations to come, allowing everyone access to outdoor learning.

Having a rainwater system and twin-wall polycarbonate roofing (in a translucent opal finish), the canopy can withstand and deal with extreme weather conditions too. This means schools with canopies, like Kingshill, can experience the joys of outdoor learning.

An establishing shot of the school playground with the school canopy over hanging the camera. Different pieces of play equipment can be seen around the play area.

The school wanted a big freestanding canopy, so we worked closely with them to meet the exact requirements they listed. Being 16m in length and 4m in width, the canopy would be big enough for a huge amount of pupils to sit underneath it and engage in outdoor learning.

Storage Units

Storage is always an important factor to remember when building a playground, and this school knew that they would need some improvements. After hearing what they wanted to store, we recommended a range of our premium storage solutions that are perfect on any early years playground.

Designed and built to promote self-selection in your pupils, the Acorn Self-Select Store range offers a fantastic solution for all of your storage needs. The school decided that they needed a small and medium sized self-select store present on the play area to effectively store all of the resources.

A closed version of the Acorn Single Store unit, with some letters stuck on the doors.

Constructed from premium grade materials, the Acorn Self-Select Store is durable and long-lasting, able to withstand heavy usage and poor weather. Whilst this storage solution battles the weather, you can rest easy knowing that your resources are safely protected.

Containing 4 separate shelves and a handy chalkboard placed above each shelf, children can easily identify their desired product and retrieve it without any issues. Children carrying out this activity will see huge improvements in their organisation skills and will naturally improve their fine motor skills and senses.

A child has opened the storage unit and is exploring all of the different sections. The child is looking at the camera and smiling, with letter stickters stuck on the inside of the doors.

Most schools worry about the possibility of their outdoor resources being stolen or vandalised, which is why our select-storage units are built with lockable doors. This means schools can store away their equipment safely and know that the chance of it being stolen is massively reduced.

The Results

After a few months had passed, we were kindly invited back to the school to see the impact that the new equipment had made and to learn what everyone thought about the completed project.

Straightaway, we were amazed to see how many more children were playing outside on what used to be the neglected early years area. Every zone had a child present and we're sure their laughs and cheers could be heard for miles!

Children are playing on the artificial grass and are heading over to the modular Play Tower. Some children are already on the Play Tower and some other children are on the Get Set, Go! Blocks

We then sat down with Chloe and the rest of the early years team to learn more about their experience. The team explained how the new canopy was fantastic and how it provided plenty of room for large groups of children to have the opportunity to learn outdoors and harness the benefits that come along with it.

Finally, they told us how the play equipment and new surfacing had brought life back to their play area and restored a sense of pride in the early years block, something that they've been wanting for a while.

A play tower can be seen with a group of children playing with it and surrounding equipment. The children are smiling and cheering as they explore.

We're so glad that Great Kingshill Church of England Combined School can enjoy their new playground and expand the way they teach children about vital and fundamental topics. We wish nothing but the best for the school and we hope that we'll have the pleasure of working with you again soon!