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Attracting Visitors With The Hensall Community Garden Trim Trail!

The Customer

Located in North Yorkshire, the beautiful and quaint village of Hensall can be found nestled in the countryside. Famous for St Paul's Church and it's fantastic cycle routes, it's no surprise that the village is becoming more popular amongst tourists.

Having over 750 residents living in the village, the Hensall Parish Council do a fantastic job of keeping the village in great condition. Speaking to the locals, you'll find it hard to find any negatives relating to the Parish Council and the work that they do.

St Paul's Church, located in the village of Hensall. The church is in the 18th-century style as is made from red bricks.

A key attraction for a lot of the residents is the Hensall Community Gardens. Created to provide a relaxing and inclusive space, the garden is a great way for residents to meet up with each other and learn more about their neighbours, helping to establish a true sense of community. Hensall Parish Council know how important the garden is for maintaining the community spirit, which is why they started looking at ways to improve the gardens and make them even more appealing.

Meeting The Customer

Imogen Bellaby, the volunteer project leader for Hensall Community Gardens, came across Pentagon Play whilst conducting online research. The Parish council required her to get 5 quotes from 5 different companies within the industry, one of which was us.

A picture showing a woman with medium length, dark brown hair called Imogen Bellaby. The woman is holding her son up as he looks into the camera.

Not only was she impressed by the quote, but Imogen loved how our sales manager, Greg Rossiterinstantly contacted her and took time to listen to what she had in mind. Through this consultation, Imogen was impressed by our attentiveness and genuine care for building a new play area for the garden, which led her to recommending us to the Hensall Parish Council.

Their Objectives

The brief was simple, the council wanted a very deteriorated park to be spruced up by introducing new commercial playground equipment. Not only should this play equipment be exciting and durable, but the Parish council wanted the equipment to appeal more to the older children, as a toddler play area was already prominent.

The next step was sitting down with Imogen and the children who use the Hensall Community Garden to understand what type of play equipment would be the best fit for the garden. As the children cycled through our designs, they instantly fell in love with the idea of a trim trail.

A little boy is stood beside one of the wooden poles and is leaning on an artificial grass podium. He is looking into the camera and is laughing.

Once selected, the product that the children had chosen was presented to the Hensall Parish Council and a decision was made to go ahead with the installation of a bespoke trim trail.

Our Approach

Helping thousands of clients across the UK for over 25 years of operations, Pentagon Play have earned the reputation of being the UK's #1 playground equipment supplier and installer.

During these fantastic years, we've perfected the craft of making a customer journey that is enjoyable and stress-free. Whether it's speaking to our friendly and knowledgeable sales team or looking at the most awe-inspiring designs from our industry-leading visualisation experts, you will only get the best with Pentagon Play.

A collection of different visualisations that our vis team have created for schools and commercial settings.

Once we had all the information we needed, we started cracking on with the project. Through the entire process, we made sure to keep Imogen up-to-date with any developments occurring so she was never left out of the loop. 

Bespoke Trim Trail

Guaranteed to grab the attention of any child who lays their eyes on it, a Pentagon Play Trim Trail is a great way to promote active play amongst your children. From climbing and balancing to swinging and manoeuvring, a Trim Trail will help to challenge children and assist in a child's physical and mental development.

Children absolutely love commercial playground equipment that provides them an opportunity to expend their energy through unique and exciting challenges. One of the key selling points of a Pentagon Play Trim Trail is how you can pick and choose which challenges to incorporate within the trail.

A wide range shot showing two children exploring the full Trim Trail. The wooden Trim Trail has been installed on natural turf.

From climbing walls to swinging log crossings, you can create the perfect Trim Trail for your target demographic. Hensall Parish Council loved this aspect as it allowed them to tailor the play equipment to be more appealing to older children, encouraging them to engage with the community.

Constructed from high pressure treated 'play grade' timber and steel reinforced ropes, every piece of equipment included within our Trim Trail catalogue has been built to be extremely durable and long lasting. As the Hensall Parish Council have to be careful on how they invest money, this is a huge benefit as they won't have to worry about replacing their play equipment after a few years.

A child is stood on an artificial grass podium and is looking at how he can balance across the wooden beam to make it to the other side.

Another reason why Trim Trails are such a popular piece of commercial playground equipment is due to their low height. As the height of this equipment is kept quite low, no safety surfacing is required to be installed underneath, allowing Parish councils like Hensall's to save a lot more money without worrying about jeopardising safety.

Due to the space available in the community garden being quite limited, the Trim Trail makes the perfect fit. These pieces of playground equipment are sleek in design and don't take up too much room, meaning play areas (like the one at Hensall Community Garden) can remain an open space and clutter free.

The Results

After a couple of months had passed, the Hensall Parish Council invited us to take a look at the impact the new commercial playground equipment had on the community gardens and it's atmosphere.

As soon as well arrived, we saw children on the playground exploring the new Trim Trail that was present. Speaking with Imogen, we learned how parents think the new addition to the playground is great as not only does it encourage the children to be active, but it pushes children to engage in imaginative play and escape to new worlds.

A child is on a rope traversal piece of equipment and is making his way through the Trim Trail. A variety of different pieces of the Trim Trail can be seen.

Speaking to Robert Tams, Chair of the Parish Council, he told us how the attendance numbers had skyrocketed since the installation as families would come down knowing that there was something for everyone now.

Visitors who were at the park were happy that this new piece of play equipment was installed as it was nice to see children engaging in outdoor play and not being sat indoors on a screen.

A photo which showcases the full size of the bespoke Trim Trail that we installed at Hensall Community Garden. Two children are making their way through the challenges.

We're over the moon to see and hear the positive impact that the play equipment has had on the community garden and we wish future success to the Hansell Parish Council and their quest for making their village the best place to live.

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