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Hungerford Primary Academy’s MUGA

Enhancing The Sporting Curriculum With A MUGA


Hungerford Primary Academy School contacted us as they wanted to enhance their sporting curriculum, while enabling PE and ball games to take place throughout all-weathers.

Our playground consultant, Ian Wood, who looks after schools and nurseries in the Cheshire area, worked closely with the school to design and install a dedicated sporting space through the installation of a healthy MUGA Pitch.

Multi Use Games Area For Primary Schools

The MUGA Pitch


The brand new sporting space is a 30m x 15m Multi Use Games Area, that features our high-quality 4G Multi Sport Artificial Grass - ensuring a wide range of sports can take place in the area.

Satisfying the schools sporting demands and providing more sporting opportunities to the children, the multi-use games area has created a dedicated space for a variety of ball games and primary school sports to take place.

Primary School MUGA

Children are able to play, compete and practice sports including, but not limited to, Basketball, Football, Netball and Hockey in the open-ended space!

The excellent MUGA Pitch has created an energising space for sports and play, while increasing participation, specific sporting skills, fundamental movement skills and children’s overall physical development.

4G MUGA Pitch

Since the school’s children are football mad, we focused the sport markings around the game to ensure that the children know where the centre of the pitch is and how far away to stand during a free kick with the ‘D’ markings.

Along with the standard football markings, the recessed goal ends at each side of the pitch each feature a different colour to ensure there is no squabbling over goals!

MUGA For Schools

Surrounding the new MUGA Pitch is our Sport Fencing, which has been designed specifically for sports pitches since it uses a rigid mesh fencing system with rebound panels.

Along with this, the fencing enables spectators to easy see through to watch the thrilling games taking place and teachers on break time duty can supervise the area, ensuring no extra staff are need due to supervision concerns.

Multi Use Games Areas

The young athletes love participating in the wide range of sports available to them and the staff are delighted to have an all-weather sporting provision!

If you’d like to enhance your sporting curriculum, increase sport participation and provide children with an all-weather, outdoor sporting provision, please Contact Us. We’d love to help create a dedicated sporting area through the installation of a MUGA in your school playground!

Primary School MUGA Pitch