A Dedicated Sporting Space For Children With SEN
Park Community Academy cater for children with a wide range of learning needs, including moderate to severe learning difficulties. They contacted us as they wanted to create a dedicated sporting space that was suitable for each and every child attending the school.
Pentagon Play worked closely with the Blackpool academy to design and install a Multi Use Games Area that closely followed their aims of providing a stimulating and attractive physical environment that enhances high quality teaching and learning by promoting pupil’s active involvement.
Multi Use Games Area
To meet the academy’s aims, we installed a MUGA Pitch that includes Timber Fenced Sides, Recessed Goal Ends and a Multisport Surfacing. The new fencing ensures 360-degree visibility in the playground and features wheelchair friendly lockable gates to ensure it is truly inclusive to all.
The Multisport Surfacing is a hard-wearing, high-quality, quick-drying, soft surface that prevents serious injury when the inevitable slip, trip or fall takes place, while ensuring it can be used throughout every season.
At each end, in the Recessed Goal Ends, we have surfaced the area with a bright yellow sports surface to enable the children to distinguish what was a goal and what wasn’t easily and quickly when playing football.
The area enables PE lessons to take place all year round without the weather impacting. It is also perfect for games of football to take place during playtimes and lunch times.
The younger children of the school love using the new area to play games like ‘stuck in the mud’ and with their giant, colourful parachute on the new surface that they can run around on and get active.
As sporting activities can take place all year round and the children can use the outdoor space without the weather preventing play, they are able to improve their physical fitness throughout every season.
As well as this, through the installation of a MUGA, sport participation has increased and communication, language and social skills are further developing as the young athletes play and practise good sportsmanship.
Along with these benefits, the children can now develop their coordination, fundamental movement skills, sporting skills, lower body strength and gross motor skills through the participation in a range of different sporting activities.
With a selection of different coloured markings within the sporting area and the inclusion of our natural timber fencing, we have created a stimulating and attractive physical environment that truly enhances physical education teaching and learning by increasing pupil participation in sporting activities: meeting the academy’s general aims for their grounds.
If you would like to create a dedicated sporting space in your school grounds, please feel free to Contact Us Here for free, expert advice from one of our playground consultants. We can install a huge selection of Multi Use Games Areas to meet any school’s needs and objectives.