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A Terrific Outdoor Climbing Frame for Trinity CEVC First School

The Customer  

Trinity CEVC First School in Somerset takes a holistic approach to education, aiming to nurture their pupils’ social, emotional, physical, and spiritual health and well-being through learning and play.  



Part of this involves teaching the children to always embrace a challenge, building their resilience and take an active role in driving their own learning.  

Trinity Church Of England First School

A great way to encourage all of these skills is by providing an active play space where pupils can work on their climbing, and building essential gross motor skills.  

Their Objectives 

Trinity First School were very open with their wishes for the new environment, they only had a few essential elements: 

Must be an active play product of some kind to replace the currently worn trim trail. 

Should be suitable for the whole school to use. 

We’d love it to be something exciting for the children to enjoy!  

Our Approach 

Expert Outdoor Learning Consultant, Nicole, worked closely with the team at Trinity First School to design an area that really met their expectations and wishes, whilst also advising and guiding them on the most suitable options based on their existing area.  

To bring greenery to their outdoor space, Nicole included artificial grass throughout your new active area so the space can be accessed all year round and will always be visually appealing to pupils. 

climbing frame for schools

It also acts as a cover for the baseworks underneath which provide adequate safety surfacing for the new climbing frame that Nicole suggested.  

The Puzzlewood Forest Circuit is a 7-challenge climbing frame with plenty of play opportunities for children of all ages and varying climbing ability.  

The circuit allows and encourages pupils to hop on and off the climber at any point, selecting the challenges best suited to them and their abilities, meaning if they aren’t confident on one specific element, they don’t have to complete that if they choose not to.  

There is also plenty of room for pupils on this climber, meaning there won’t be lots of waiting and queueing required!  

Or, for those who don’t fancy the puzzlewood, Nicole also included an Incline Climbing Wall Traverse and Forest Pull Up and Roll Over Bars.  

These are the ideal facilities for pupils to build their upper body strength and hand-eye coordination.  

The Results 

Well, it’s safe to say that the team at Trinity First School were happy with their installation, replacing an old and worn trail with much more exciting equipment!  

“The children were so excited to see the new space! They loved watching it being constructed and felt as though they had participated in the design as we had asked them what sort of play items, they would like in the new space”. - Lisa Young, PTA Treasurer 

outdoor climbing frame for school

The school also raved about the installation process which is great to hear!  

“The info from the team was really great, they were clear about time scales etc which made our job much easier!”. – Lisa Young. 

We’re glad that we could support Trinity CEVC First School with this project, and we hope the pupils truly make the most of this adventurous space!  

If you would like to redevelop your outdoor play space just like Trinity CEVC First School then please don't hesitate to get contact us today! We can help you