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Valentine Primary's Apollo Climbing Frame

Valentine Primary School’s Apollo Challenger Climbing Frame

Our Playground Consultant, Donella, worked closely with Valentine Primary School to further improve their outdoor provision for active play and physical development.

Although the school had a fantastic outdoor space for children to exercise and play freely, they lacked outdoor challenges that focused on different muscle groups and areas of development including fine motor skills.

As well as physical development, the new resources needed to promote teamwork and encourage children to cooperate with each other when overcoming new challenges.

school climbing frame

After viewing the space available and understanding the school's needs, we installed our Apollo Challenger Climbing Frame. This exciting structure includes 16 different challenges and accommodates large numbers of children at any given time. It truly takes outdoor play to the next level.

The children will develop their balance, upper and lower body strength, hand strength, core stability, task and gross motor skills development. While getting used to gripped and holding onto different features, the children will naturally develop their fine motor skills which can aid their development in other areas including handwriting. 

With such a huge variety of physical challenges, children will use the full movement of their gross motor skills when manouvring across and around this huge structure.

The combination of equipment makes this challenge a group one, encouraging, cooperation, competition and imaginative play.

outdoor play equipment

We installed Playbond Safety Surfacing underneath the Apollo to ensure it can be accessed in all weathers. Our Playbond surfacing will also help reduce incidents and will give children the confidence to take safe risks.

You can view our range of Playground Flooring here.

Here is a list of the exciting challenges that the children will face on our Apollo Challenger:

  • Mountain Panels Traverse Wall
  • Rocking Log Traverse
  • Climbing Poles
  • Climbing Net Traverse
  • Trapeze Swing Traverse
  • Climbing Logs
  • Monkey Bars
  • Log Weaver
  • Swinging Log Traverse
  • Parallel Rope Traverse
  • Crossed Rope Traverse
  • Roll Over Bars
  • Spiders Web

climbing frame for schools

You can view our full range of Active Playground equipment here...

If you are interested in our Apollo Challenger or would like some new ideas for your your school playground environment, do not hesitate to contact us to arrange a free consultation and site visit through our Online Contact Form. Alternatively, you can call 01625 890 330!