Company News
The Importance of Mental Health and Well-being at Pentagon Play
In recent years at Pentagon Play we have considered how we can improve our health and well-being offering for our amazing, hard-working team.
Nationwide, we are experiencing a mental health crisis. In the last year, 63% of long-term workplace absences were due to mental ill health. In 2023 alone mental health services in England received a record 5 million referrals. Recent research has also found that almost half of UK workers are 'running on empty' with burnout, mental ill health and work related stress listed as the top factors.
We realised that we wanted to break the stigma surrounding mental health and support our employees in their personal and professional lives. Studies have consistently shown that employees who are in good physical and mental health are happier, more engaged, motivated and efficient.
Here at Pentagon Play we believe that our employees deserve an open, safe and supportive workplace and we want to help our team in any way we can by providing purpose, community, connection, movement or stress management strategies.
Understanding Mental Health
Mental health is something that we all have which affects how we think and feel. Achieving a good state of mental well-being enables us to cope with the stresses of life. Positive mental health can provide a sense of purpose and direction allowing us to recognise our talents and to learn and work well.
Mental health is a basic human right which helps us to make decisions, build relationships and shape the world we live in. Throughout our lives factors occur which can strengthen our mental health and resilience. Social interactions, quality education, enjoyable work and community cohesion can help us to develop social and emotional skills and attributes which support mental health.
Our mental health doesn't always stay the same as circumstances change and different stages of life are experienced. Feelings of distress require a compassionate human response. The earlier we are able to recognise something isn't quite right the earlier support can be provided.
Positive mental health allows us to think, express emotions, interact, earn a living and enjoy life. It is important to us at Pentagon Play to promote the importance of protecting and restoring mental health in the workplace.
Mental Health Problems Employees May Face
We all have times when we feel down, stressed or worried but most of the time these feelings will pass. Sometimes feelings can develop into a mental health problem such as anxiety or depression which can impact on our daily lives.
Mental health problems can happen to anybody. Current statistics supported by the charity Mind state that 1 in 4 people will experience a mental health problem of some kind each year in England. 1 in 6 people report experiencing a common mental health problem such as anxiety or depression in any given week in England.
If somebody is experiencing mental health problems at work they may:
- Make uncharacteristic mistakes
- Appear more tired than usual
- Timekeeping may slip
- Isolate or avoid colleagues
- Procrastinate more or take on more work than can be managed.
Having colleagues who can spot early warning signs and help us connect actions to our mental health is key.
Let's Talk About Mental Health
Awareness of mental health is increasing yet people with mental health problems can still face discrimination and may struggle to get the support they need.
Feelings of shame are among the top reasons people give for not telling their colleagues about their mental health problems. Pentagon Play want to create a workplace culture where people can be themselves. We aim to make it easier for people to speak out about mental health concerns without fear and to reach out for help when they need it.
Looking After our Mental Health at Pentagon Play
We can all take steps to improve our own mental health, building our resilience and ability to cope with adversity. Here are some of the strategies we have put in place here at Pentagon Play
Talk About Your Feelings
Talking about your feelings can help to maintain good mental health. It should not be viewed as a sign of weakness, it's part of taking charge of your well-being and doing all you can to stay healthy.
Having supportive colleagues or a manger you can talk to can really help and may encourage others to do the same. Sometimes a cuppa and a listening ear can help someone to share a problem and gain the right support.
We are one large community here at Pentagon Play and we continue to be open, supportive and willing to discuss mental health in a positive way.
Keep Active
Keeping active is so important to us here at Pentagon Play. As a company who promote the many benefits of outdoor physical activity for children we endeavour to do the same. This is why we provide free on-site gym access.
Taking part in regular exercise can boost your self-esteem and help you to concentrate, sleep and look and feel better. When we move our bodies, dopamine is released in the prefrontal cortex. This is the part of our brain that helps us to manage intense emotions which can be vital during periods of poor mental health.
Physical activity releases cortisol which helps us to manage stress. It gives your brain something to focus on and can be a positive coping strategy for difficult times. Studies have also highlighted that physical activity can reduce the risk of depression by 30%
It can make a positive difference to mental health and well-being to go for a walk at lunchtime or to make use of our in-house gym facilities. Exercising in a group with work colleagues can provide extra motivation as we can support each other to set realistic goals and expectations.
It is recommended that most people should do around 30 minutes of exercise 5 times a week. Physical activity can become an important part of your day, providing a consistent and enjoyable routine.
Volunteering Opportunities
The focus of our company is all about helping others to live healthy and happy lives. We know that helping and caring for others can make us feel needed and valued which boosts our self-esteem. Team Pentagon believe that volunteering can be hugely rewarding and we encourage our employees to volunteer for half a day or more each year.
When we make a meaningful connection with adults, children or animals it can take our mind off our own worries. Our attention becomes diverted which helps improve our mood and feelings of stress.
Volunteering provides us with motivation and a sense of accomplishment. Our social circle is extended as we meet people from different walks of life that we may ordinarily never meet.
Team Pentagon have volunteered at local charities including:
- The Children's Adventure Farm Trust (CAFT) where we helped out in the craft zone and around the campfire during the festive period.
- Visyon - we donned our overalls, grabbed our paintbrushes and refreshed the office space for this charity which supports the emotional health of children, young people and families in Cheshire.
- Forming teams to take part in the Active Cheshire Playfest which included conquering a huge, inflatable obstacle course to raise money for the British Red Cross.
At both of our offices our amazing team are always looking for ways to support worthy causes throughout the year and carry out fantastic work with charities and community projects across the UK.
Whether taking part in cupcake decorating or showing off our football skills with some keepie-uppies, donating to causes such as Children in Need and Red Nose Day provides meaning and purpose.
Ask for Help
None of us are superhuman! We all sometimes get tired or overwhelmed by how we feel or when things don't go to plan.
Here at Pentagon Play we realise that having mental health awareness training is a key component for creating a safe, healthy workplace where the mental and physical health of employees are valued.
All Pentagon Managers have undertaken Mental Health First Aid Training from Mental Health First Aid England (MHFA England). Pentagon Managers have the skills to spot the signs of poor mental health, the confidence to start a conversation and the knowledge to signpost to support.
Receive Help Through WPA NHS Access
We are proud to be able to offer our employees NHS health benefits through the specialist health insurer WPA. Affordable healthcare can include help with dental treatment, eye tests, therapies, consultations and GP services.
Our team can also access information on a wide range of health and well-being issues, provided by counsellors.
We're One Big Pentagon Family!
Here at Pentagon Play we believe in prevention and early intervention when protecting our employees mental health. We have an open culture across our organisation where team members are encouraged to have conversations around mental health in order to break the stigma.
Managers have the skills and knowledge needed to have effective mental health conversations with their teams and encourage employees to access support when needed. When everyone feels able to have open conversations about their mental health and has the right tools to manage stress out teams can thrive.
We are extremely proud of our Pentagon family and our high employee retention rate. We are continually striving to improve and ensure that the health and happiness of our dedicated team is at the forefront of all we do.